Classroom 16!

The Classroom of Mr. Stathis

Mare Island Health and Fitness Academy

What I think, what I feel, what I care about.


    I am Christopher. I am in the great class of Room 16, 5th Grade. This is not a great class, it is more than great!

    I think that this class can't be described in one word. It's the best class in the world!

    I care about others' learning and my learning. That's why I think this is the best class.

    I feel that if I was in 6th Grade I would love to be in Mr. Stathis's class if he was a 6th Grade Teacher next year. I would pay money to be in his class.

    My favorite thing about this class is Mandala and Classroom Duties.

    Mandala: It's like money. Not the same. It's shaped like a circle but colorful. With that you can buy very cool things. I saved most of the year last year and for 3000 Mandala, I bought a large Crystal. It was very cool. If you want to see it, you can see it on the Aboptable, my first video. Also, you can get lots of Mandala for doing extra homework.

    Classroom Duties. It's like real life jobs. You get paid and get prepared yourself for real life. This was all possible because of Mr. Stathis.

